PCAT Pilot Receives NIMH Funding for Longitudinal Study

We are collaborating with Dr. Susan Perlman's lab at Washington University of St. Louis on the longitudinal version of our NIMH-funded PCAT study examining how parent-child interactions shape children's emotional responses and how those responses change over the span of several years.

Parents and children (4-to-6 years old) have several different games to complete while we measure their brain activity, heart rate, and attentional data. Thus, allowing us to study parent-child synchrony at a moment-to-moment basis.

We are currently recruiting for this study, and would love to have dads participate. Those participating will be compensated for their time and effort. If you are interested in joining our study, you can fill out this form, call (814) 867-2322, or email catlabpsu@gmail.com